Largest prime factor
The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29.
What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ?
We neeed to find the largest prime factor of 600851475143.
We know that the largest prime factor of a number, its the number itself.
As a concept refresher, any prime number is only divisible by 1 ant itself, thus, when dividing by a certain number, there should not be a reminder.
2 is the first prime number, and holds the honor of being the only even prime numnber.
We’ll start by making a function to return a bool
if the former condition holds.
func isPrime(x
int64) bool {
var i int64 = 2 // We start with 2 as it is the first prime number
for ; i < x; i++ {
if x % i == 0 {
return false
return true
Next, we need to test factors and see if they are prime numbers. Let’s state:
$$ ab = N space where space 1 < a leq b leq N $$
$$ N = ab geq a^2 Leftrightarrow a^2 leq N Rightarrow sqrt[]{N} $$
This means that in order to test the primality of a composite number N, you check if this number is a product of two numbers. Thus we use square root.
package main
import (
const n int64 = 600851475143
func isPrime(x int64) bool {
var i int64 = 2
for i < x; i++ {
if x%i == 0 {
return false
return true
main() {
start := time.Now()
var i = int64(math.Sqrt(float64(n)))
for ;
i > 1; i-- {
if n % i == 0 && isPrime(i) {
fmt.Println("Execution time: ", time.Since(start))
fmt.Println("Largest Prime Factor: ", i)
Execution time: 7.990898ms
Answer: Largest Prime Factor: 6857