HumanOps Mantra

I just found this precious little jewel on the internet.
The HumanOps-mantra
I’m re-posting here as I strongly believe in every single point made in it.
HumanOps Mantra⌗
- Humans build and fix systems.
- Humans get tired and stressed, they feel happy and sad.
- Systems don’t have feelings yet. They only have SLAs.
- Humans need to switch off and on again.
- The wellbeing of human operators impacts the reliability of systems.
- Alert Fatigue == Human Fatigue
- Automate as much as possible, escalate to a human as a last resort.
- Document everything. Train everyone. Save time.
- Kill the shame game.
- Human issues are system issues.
- Human health impacts business health.
- Humans > systems