Une autre démenagement

Une autre démenagement
Je voudrais commencer en dissant que ce-ci est mon premier post en francais (j’ai utilise languagetool.org), alors aies-moi patience. Il fait déjà 1+ an que moi et ma famille, nous avons déménagé en Belgique. Je ne me sens pas étranger aux déménagements disruptifs comme ce qu’on a fait, mais de le faire avec un enfant de cinq mois, c’était énormément dur. Dès que je suis arrivé en Belgique, au travers du système d’immigration, j’étais obligé de m’enregistrer à la commune pour commencer mon processus pour vérifier mon statut et pouvoir recevoir ma carte de séjour.
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1000 days of Duolingo

1000 days of Duolingo
I have just completed a 1000 days streak on Duolingo learning French (from English) and I wanted to make a blog post dedicating this achievement to Duolingo and all the language enthusiasts that are using it across the world. In my humble opinion, as a technologist and ethusiast myself, Duolingo is one of the best apps that have ever existed. I have to say that there wasn’t any time while using it where I didn’t notice the effort that went into building it.
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Some advice I would give to a junior DevOps Engineer

Some advice I would give to a junior DevOps Engineer
Hey blog, long time no see. I’ve been incredibly busy these last couple months. Apologies to you for not updating your content as often as I’d like to. I intend to post this in HackerNews, so if you’re coming from there, hello 👋 ! Recently, someone approached to me in Reddit asking me if I had any general advice for an “first time | entry-level | junior DevOps Engineer”
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Is Github Alive

Is Github Alive
It’s been recently noticeable that me and my team have had to halt development or progress due to a Github outage. This has been much more visible since Microsoft acquired Github As an SRE myself, I can’t help but wonder what is going on at Github/Microsoft… Is it because Github moved to Azure and the real cause of unrelaiblity is that Azure can’t cope? Is it because Github has a ton more features that are not well built?
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Bash Prank

Bash Prank
I remember of coming up with a random joke prank, so when I stumbled upon this comment in the /r/bash subreddit, I absolutely had to try it. I modified it slightly and used a one-liner jokes list I found in Github too. It works in macOS monterey 12.2.1 Here’s what it does: Sets the volume at maximum Creates a temp dir in ~ ($HOME) Downloads a list of jokes from Github Select one randomly and say it out loud using the computer speakers Remove the list of jokes #!
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IPv6 support

IPv6 support
Quick update after what I believe was my most popular post ever. I received an suggestion over an email message to enable IPv6 in this blog. Thing that I been meaning to do for a while now as I’ve been wanting to show my support to the cause So what did I do? Given that I’m hosting the whole thing in AWS (Cloudfront, S3, Route53), it really was trivial to do.
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Things I want as SRE/DevOps from Devs

Things I want as SRE/DevOps from Devs
It has been a while since I’ve been working as SRE/Platform/Cloud Engineer, and lately and I realize I’ve been repeating some questions to developers that I rarely get an answer for straight away. These are not meant to make anyone’s life harder, au contraire, the whole pourpose of having a solid answer to this list of questions, is to make everyone less worried about the probabilty of some high stakes, overnight failure or a data handling missuse that could potentially cause big losses, and of course a lot of unnecessary stress.
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HumanOps Mantra

HumanOps Mantra
I just found this precious little jewel on the internet. The HumanOps-mantra I’m re-posting here as I strongly believe in every single point made in it. HumanOps Mantra Humans build and fix systems. Humans get tired and stressed, they feel happy and sad. Systems don’t have feelings yet. They only have SLAs. Humans need to switch off and on again. The wellbeing of human operators impacts the reliability of systems.
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Introducing whatip.info. A very very simple Go program behind an NGINX server to resolve and return the remote IPv4 (and soon IPv6) address. My motivation behind it is dead simple: I need that exact functionality from something I know I control. Prior to this, I was using several alternatives: ifconfig.me ifconfig.co icanhazip.com All work great but I wished to curl something of my own making. Thus whatip.info was born.
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I had a TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) or as people know it, Brain Stroke on August 9. After 2 months of recovery, I’m back to normal and I feel great :) It seems it had to do with an issue with my blood coagulation and my heart health… It disturbed my vision and motricity… but I’m ok now. Needless to say, it was a very scary experience. I got a bit depressed and sometimes anxious when I was recovering, but I stuck with a strict diet and exercise regime which helped enormously and helped with the mood changes.
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How to create your npm card

Lately, our company started growing so I had to start interviewing frontend engineers, UI/UX designers and other developers who focus on the UI aspect of web development At first, my expectation was that the process wouldn’t involve anything else but talking to a person. I was caught off guard about the fact that a lot these amazing developers shared with me their portfolios, websites or even demos. It was surprising and inspiring to see some of the creative ways people standout.
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How I got my AWS CSAA. Notes included

Disclaimer: I’m not being paid to promote anything here. I just received an email containing the badge from acclaim.com. It made me look back on how much things have changed for the better since I made this exam, so I thought of making a blog post on how things went for me. AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate was issued by Amazon Web Services Training and Certification to Oscar Chavez
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Blocking Ads with PiHole

Before going into the post carefully documenting my process in setting up everything, here’s what this post is about in short: Installed PiHole on a Raspberry Pi Zero W and connected it to my network to have DNS level ad blocking. It was reasonably fast to complete and works well. Here’s how it looks before and after: Now, for whomever wants to understand why and how to build this, carry on…
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De Mexico al Reino Unido

De Mexico al Reino Unido
Ya tiene mucho, muchísimo (10 meses) que no escribo/tengo ganas de escribir acá. Me han preguntado si olvidé por completo del blog y del diminuto momentum que tuvo cuando lo estaba manteniendo, pero yo me cuestiono si fue uno de esos momentos de brillantez y dedicación completamente mal distribuida, como el que cualquier programador pasa: Debería registar mis pensamientos en algún lado… haré un blog ! O quizá debería enfocarme en artículos técnicos, con código y todo… reharé mi blog !
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Merge Sort in Go and Javascript

Merge Sort in Go and Javascript
Here’s my implementation of the Mergesort algorithm in Golang package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "math/rand" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) func main() { start := time.Now() arr := randArr(20) // Merge sort array fmt.Println("\n Sorted \n", mergeSort(arr)) fmt.Println("Sorted in: ", time.Since(start)) } // Function to generate random array func randArr(size int) []int { arr := make([]int, size, size) rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) for i := 0; i < size; i++ { arr[i] = rand.
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Understanding Recursion

Understanding Recursion
Rather than using the popular joke about recursion (see bottom), I’ll reference a very peculiar adage which makes use of this particular mental model: The Hogstadter’s Law, states that: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law. See what happened there? The law is a self-referential adage, that tries to describe the widely experienced difficulty of accuratelly estimate the time it will take to complete tasks of substancial complexity.
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Shortest Fibonacci

Shortest Fibonacci
Here’s an incredibly short anonymous fibonacci function in Js. It takes a parameter n to calculate the fibonacci number at position n (n => (n <= 1 ? n : n - 1 + n - 2))(5);
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3 Meses sin Facebook

Última Actualización: 09/Junio/2018 A ver si se acuerdan de algún compañero del kinder/primaria primaria, cuyos padres neo-liberales, le prohibían ver televisión en favor de actividades diurnas al aire libre. Ese mismo compañerito que, forzado por la voluntad de sus padres, se quedaba fuera de las discusiones de quien era el ‘Chico del Pórtico’, episodio de Hey Arnold en Nickelodeon, o quien podía decir ‘Omelette du Fromage’ durante un día entero, como le pasó al Dexter en El Laboratorio de Dexter de Cartoon Network.
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¿Qué es un chatbot?

¿Qué es un chatbot?
¿Qué es un chatbot? Un chatbot es un servicio impulsado por reglas y aveces inteligencia artifical con el que se interactúa a través de una interfaz de tipo chat. Sacado de la plática de Iván Ruiz, en Mobile Day 2017. Chatbot as a Service Los chatbots fungen como servicio para transformar sitios web en Experiencias Conversacionales Enrolamiento Uno de los casos de uso de los chatbots es el enrolamiento de usuarios a una plataforma.
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Cómo hacer un Proxy de Tor

Cómo hacer un Proxy de Tor
Descarga el PDF +++ Video Requisitos Raspberry Pi (2 o 3) ISO de Raspbian Jessie (Debian) Descargar Tarjeta SD > 8Gb (SDCard) Tarjeta Inalámbrica (Wifi Dongle) Conexión a Router por Ethernet Periféricos (Teclado, Mouse, Monitor, Cable HDMI) Iniciando Flashear el ISO de Raspbian a la SDCard. Yo usé ApplePi Baker. Aquí hay un excelente tutorial Conectar todos los periféricos (mouse, teclado, monitor) y el micro Usb para encender el Raspberry Abrir una terminal y escribir bashsudo raspi-config Ir a 'Interfacing Options' > 'SSH' y habilitar el server de SSH y salir.
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